Hey there! Are you interested in learning how to get a job as a unit stills photographer and work in film and TV? Great! You’ll find this blog post super useful!
It’s filled with all the questions I get asked by aspiring photographers wanting to learn how to get into the film industry.
I am also going to be releasing a book with even more details in that covers all the of the business end of things including things like;
- How much do unit stills photographers charge
- How do I negotiate with clients to get the rate I want if they low ball me?
- Do I need to charge for editing and travel?
- How and what do I charge for poster shoots?
- What’s a buyout and when and how much do I charge for it?
- Why should I never offer half-day rates?
- What is equipment rental and how much do I charge for it?
- What other things should I factor into my pricing?
- What contract terms do I need to look out for?
- How and when does a unit stills photographer get paid?
- Where can I find unit still photography jobs?
- Detailed equipment lists and recommendations.
- Advice on how to take your kit abroad to avoid loss or damage.
- A free download of my rate card for you to use as a template.
- A free downloadable shot list to make sure you get the images clients need.
- Much more!
If you would like to be notified when the book is available, just drop your details below and I’ll be in touch once it’s out!
In the meantime, why not check out my blog post that covers all about being a unit stills photographer, here.
Looking for more insights into the film industry? I highly recommend checking out Jasin Boland’s YouTube channel!